Here you will find answers to the most frequently questions asked by future or current FabLab's members.
FabLab powered by Orange
- Can you enter Fablab without registration?
- What are the opening hours of FabLab?
- What if I can't get to the classes I've registered for?
- How do I register for classes?
- Is there a free parking near FabLab?
- How can I use Fablab?
- I have an idea, so what's next?
- I want to come regularly, what do I do?
Why "Fablab"?
- Why "Fablab"?
Use of Space
- What can you do here?
- Is it possible to visit FabLab with a child?
- Can FabLab be used by foreign-language people? How can they use the studio?
- Do you need a license in order to use your machines yourself?
- Is it possible to rent tools for a limited period of time?
- Are there any health restrictions on using the studio?